Barley Salad with Peppers, Beans…& Everything Else

Barley Salad with Peppers, Beans…& Everything Else

At 8:30pm on Saturday 28 March people around the world will unite and switch off their lights for one hour – The Earth Hour, for our Earth, our Home. In 2009, Earth Hour will take place in more than 80 countries around the world. “1,672 

Tomato Bread Soup

Tomato Bread Soup

Tomato Bread Soup, also known as Pappa al Pomodoro, is one of the soups I really enjoy whether it be a chilly evening or in the summer when fresh tomatoes are in abundance. The Italians do not waste their breads. The stale breads either go 

Avocado & Roasted Corn Salsa

Avocado & Roasted Corn Salsa

  The Spring air smells good. Along with the change of season comes the colorful blooms of the pretty flowers & some fresh vegetables& fruits  in the market. The local market got crates of fresh corn & avocado. (I was somehow under the impression that the corns 

Roasted Vegetable Stew with Coconut Milk

Roasted Vegetable Stew with Coconut Milk

Having been not feeling so good for the past few days, I was yearning for some change of taste for my tasteless sensation in my mouth. That’s what flu does to you – steals your energy, enthusiam & the sensation of the taste buds too. 

Chicken & Roasted Capsicum Pasta – for Hay Hay It’s Donna Day

Chicken & Roasted Capsicum Pasta – for Hay Hay It’s Donna Day

It’s time for HHDD #26! First I started reading Meeta’s post with curiosity, then I was in for some surprise, later came the  total disbelief when I saw my name was up there along with an excerpt of my email to Meeta. She had sent me a