Tag: mango

Aam Panna/Green Mango and Mint Cooler

Aam Panna/Green Mango and Mint Cooler

Aam Panna/Panha is a popular summer cooler in the Northern parts of India. It is a lovely refreshing drink and is also known to fight the intense heat during the summer months.

Mango Ice Cream

Mango Ice Cream

Summer means mango – the most irresistible of all tropical fruits. The lush, juicy mangoes also make the most delicious ice creams.

Avocado and Mango with Chili, Lime and Pickled Ginger

Avocado and Mango with Chili, Lime and Pickled Ginger

Days are heating up in Texas! It is still nice enough to enjoy some breezy evenings and occasional cloudy days. Days are warmer which triggers the urge to cool down with liquids and light salads. This is a simple, sensuous and elegant salad with nice